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Edge on Spiralgalaxy NGC5907 in Draco

[ NED, Image Server]

(c) 2010 Alle Astrofotos auf dieser Seite sind mit einem Copyright belegt und dürfen nicht ohne Genehmigung des Autors verwendet werden

Exposure date January to march 2009
Camera Artemis 4021
Instrument 8" Photo Newton
Mount Gemini 41
Filters Baader LRGB Filterset
Exposure time (L,R,G,B)(24 x 22 x 9 x 16)* 600s + G  3 * 1200 S. 12 h 50 Minuten
Image orientation North is up, east is left
Datareduction and image processing                         
Imaging conditions Mixed conditions
Object data
Distance to sun
ca 40 million Ly
Beschreibung zum Objekt

The primary aim of this image was the detection of the known tidal stellar streams which  span a huge ring around NGC 5907. But due to the bad sky conditions (skyglow) here at my location it was not possible to show the stream in the color image. Nevertheless I was able to show the stream in the inverted contrast enhanced image which is shown below

A wonderfull image of the tidal stellar stream can be found at Capella Observatorium.

Direct link to the image with Ganymed (pimary focus):  NGC5907


















The inverted contrast enhanced grey image